All Change at R+I Stacey

DAVID and Margaret Millidge hung up their overalls for the last time on Saturday, and retired from running the busy ironmongers R. and I. Stacey, in Rustington.

David's aunt and uncle were Ray and Iris Stacey, who set up the shop 50 years ago. David and Margaret started working in the shop 35 years ago, and have run it for the last 22 years. They are now looking forward to retirement but say they will miss the place.

"It feels very strange," admitted Margaret. "I won't meet the people I have been so interested in. We have been such a family shop and we would not have been able to do it without the staff.

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"We will miss the customers, too. A lot of them have become our friends."

Taking over the helm are Philip and Angela Nye, who are looking forward to their new roles.

"In the long term, Angela and I always said we would like to run a business. It was something we had dreamed of," said Philip.

David and Margaret will now be able to devote more time to their charity work with Operation Romania Trust, an organisation with which they first became involved five years ago through the church.

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"We have been over to Romania a few times, and we will probably go out there for a month in June," said David.

Philip started working at Stacey's almost by accident. He and Angela already knew the Millidges through church. And then one day, seven years ago, David had to pop to the dentist and bumped into Philip as he was leaving the shop.

"David asked if I could mind the shop for a couple of hours, so I did and I really enjoyed it. Then I started working a couple of mornings a week, and it progressed to every morning, and then all day," explained Philip.

At the time, Angela was working as a compliance officer for a financial advisor, but wanted to go part-time to spend more time with her young daughter.

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