Gridlock in Worthing '“ Where's the common sense?

WHEN is someone with an ounce of common sense going to take control of Worthing's number-one industry - the creation of road works?

Today (Monday, April 6) saw Worthing's worst ever traffic jam '“ all caused by three men digging a hole in High Street.

Traffic lights blocked traffic in High Street, which in turn caused a back up of traffic the entire length of Chatsworth Road.

Lengthy delays

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As soon as Chatsworth Road was blocked with stationary traffic it was the turn of Chapel Road to be completely filled.

Buses were held up and people with urgent business in the town centre were delayed for well over 20 minutes, just to travel no more than 200 yards.

No doubt these road works were necessary, you can't delay dealing with a gas or water leak just because it would hold up traffic.

But there should be someone in the town hall or in the police to oversee such works and to put up traffic diversions or controls to keep vehicles moving.

Light problems

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The problem was at the junction with High Street with Chatsworth Road.

Immediately the lights went from red to green in favour of north-moving traffic there was a dash to get through the lights before they changed again.

Motorists waiting "patiently" in Chatsworth Road didn't stand a chance, because no-one was letting anyone out of the side road.

Had Britain the same "right of the road" as in Jersey there would be a "go in turn" operating at the junction and Worthing would not have been in gridlock.

Night answer

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