Writers join in with Horsham District Year of Culture celebrations

horsham writershorsham writers
horsham writers
Horsham Writers' Circle is calling on all writers in the district '“ whether published or unpublished '“ to join their celebrations for the Horsham and District Year of Culture 2019.

Throughout 2019 the writing group is hosting 12 literary events – one each month – and this, the first event, will take place at Horsham Library on Thursday 24th January.

The chair of HWC, Bryan Webster, said: “We welcome writers of all abilities to this kick-off event which will also give a taster of what’s in store from us during the Year.

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‘‘Contributions, perhaps coming from the event, whether a first chapter of a novel, poem, short story (written or graphic), play-script, flash fiction or screenplay, will form the basis of a collection to be published in book form.

‘‘This will provide a lasting legacy of the Year of Culture. It is a fantastic opportunity for writers to come in from the cold this January and get together with a friendly crowd who share their enthusiasm for the written word.

“We’re absolutely thrilled to be hosting our series of literary events throughout 2019.

‘‘Our group has been busy researching all the writers associated with the Horsham district and, with the help of Horsham Museum, we’ve unearthed a vast treasure trove of real literary gems in a wide range of genres. We have been amazed at what we have found and believe many local people will be too.”

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