From the back pages, April 26: Arsenal’s Wenger admits he’s “afraid” Jose Mourinho will return and make Chelsea even stronger

Arsene Wenger has confessed he is “afraid” Jose Mourinho will help Chelsea blow the rest of the Premier League away.Ex-Chelsea boss Mourinho has been lined up to quit Real Madrid to return to Stamford Bridge, where he famously overhauled Arsenal’s Invincibles and led the Blues to consecutive titles. (Mirror)

Brendan Rodgers has admitted he would understand if Luis Suarez considered quitting the Premier League and accused the men who banned him for 10 games of “throwing him into the garbage”. (Independent)

Mahmood Al Zarooni, the trainer who brought shame to Sheikh Mohammed’s Godolphin racing operation, has been banned for eight years after being found guilty of using steroids on 15 of his Newmarket-based horses. (Express)

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