Worthing Steel Band enjoy success on the world stage

Worthing Steel BandWorthing Steel Band
Worthing Steel Band
Amid all the gloom, Worthing Steel Band is celebrating success.

Musical director Jim Bernardin explains: “Two years ago we hosted a memorable visit from a touring South African youth marimba band with a fundraising music night and workshops, raising £2,000 for the charity Education Africa.

“This led to new friendships and an association with South African music teacher Joan Lithgow, her son Brad and her family and team, who every year organise the International Marimba and Steel Pan Festival.

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“Every July as many as a hundred steel and marimba bands from all over Africa and beyond gather in Gauteng, near Johannesburg, to celebrate their music together and compete for awards and prizes.

“Due to the Covid pandemic, this year’s event was online, with video submissions from bands all over the world. The festival was streamed over four days in December.

“Worthing Steel Band spent the window of opportunity between the two lockdowns at the end of the summer and early autumn practising and recording their pieces and entered four categories with pieces ranging from classical music to rock and roll.”

In addition, three members of the band, musical director Jim, Marie Vickers and Christine Brown also took part in the world largest online mass participation piece with hundreds of fellow musicians, lived streamed at the end of the festival.

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