Hellingly and Horsebridge

Hellingly & Horsebridge newsHellingly & Horsebridge news
Hellingly & Horsebridge news
PARK WOOD AGM: The next meeting will be on Wednesday 27 February from 7 to 9.30pm. Doors open 6.15. Free tea and coffee available. The Environment Agency have decided, after 12 months of negotiations, not to work with FoPW to preserve Park Wood. FoPW are now looking at alternative solutions and have invited a panel of interested parties along to give their views and answer your questions. This is your chance to have your say. Your support is vital if this precious community asset is to be saved.

FARMHOUSE BREAKFAST: Once again this popular event took place on Saturday 2 February in Hellingly Village Hall. The event was to raise money for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution, which helps farmers and farm works in their hour of need. This may be because of illness, accidents, adverse weather condition or just the government agency not paying the claimants on time under the various schemes. RABI does not help with business bills. In 2018 £32,500 was raised in Sussex and spent out £57k. £3,000 was spent on Relief Workers and £2,650 on telephone line rental. Some people travel for a considerable distance to join the event each year and unfortunately due to the snow in some areas several were unable to attend. It was a successful event but the money raised is slightly down on last year.

There was a good buzz in the hall as people were tucking in to a great breakfast and met old friends. As far as possible the ingredients were sourced from local suppliers. Gill Hesselgrave and the RABI East Sussex team would like to thank those who donated their produce plus Waitrose, Tesco and the Co-op who all gave grants towards the dry goods. They would also like to thank Barclays Bank for their match funding sponsorship to £1,000 as well as the many helpers and of course all those who attended.

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WEDDING SHOWCASE: Visit Blackstock Estate, Gove Hill, Hellingly BN27 4HF on Sunday 24 February if you are planning to get married. Both barns will be dressed in different styles, meet the wedding team, catering will be on hand to answer questions, view the grounds. There is free parking and entry and it is open from 10am to 3pm. To book or for more information 01323 848006 or visit www.blackstockestate.co.uk.