Column could steer over occasionally

IT has been interesting in recent weeks to have two helpings of Harty's world in the Gazette, including his sports column.

While I understand that he is a resident of Worthing, perhaps he could devote his column to Littlehampton sometimes. I could fill several papers with the issues confronting us.

We have the barmy bench, great for skateboarders and mountain bikes.

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Yes, I know that the money is ring-fenced, but so was the money for our urgently-needed hospital not so long ago.

I am appalled that families in this town need food parcels '“ where are social services?

We have a steering committee looking into our hospital. Tell me, what are they steering and where to?

Keep politics out of local issues, they say. There is not one decision made that affects all of us that is not tied up in politics somewhere.

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After all, they are supposed to be representing us, not themselves.

Come on, folks, wake up to what is going on before it is too late.

Alan Barnes

Emma Brook Court

Sea Road, Rustington

* All letters to the editor must include a name and address, which can be withheld on request.


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