This is '˜grossly unfair'

I heartily agree with a great deal of Cllr Ient's comments in the Express of March 9,

“Don’t blame local councils for housing shortage” however I’m sure that Cllr Ient would agree that a large number of small builder planning applications are taken out of their hands by big brother, South Downs National Park Authority to make decisions on the local councils behalf, this is grossly unfair and undermines our local councils whom have a better understanding of local regeneration and building the right type of housing in the right places.

If the SDNPA are minded to disregard and delay these applications then our communities suffer through apathy and the loss of quality affordable housing, and as the Express points out on page 18 of the same edition, it allows big multi-national developers to renege on the percentage of affordable housing, yes in pursuit of extra profit at the communities continued suffering, once planning is given consent, it should be delivered to the letter and within a 12-month period to complete construction or face hefty fines that severely dilutes their profitability.

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Currently local small builders are willing to build and increase affordable housing stock within their planning remits. Why not welcome them with open arms instead of the cold shoulder approach?

It is a matter of national urgency not just in the Lewes district that we tackle the problem of the lack of affordable homes and I thank Cllr Ient for bringing the subject up.

Ronald Moore

King Henry’s Rd Lewes.