Thursday AM - Pebsham waste row story

ANGRY councillors, worried about the affects of the proposed waste transfer station at Pebsham, voted yesterday to raise strong objection with the county council.

Rother will tell county that information so far received gives "insufficient assurances that there will be no adverse effect on the area and no worsening of the situation in terms of noise, air quality and traffic generation, particularly having regard to the amenities of local residents and the proximity of the facility to the proposed Pebsham Countryside Park."

The planning committee also strongly objects to seven-day working on the site from early morning to late evening.

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Planning officer Richard Wilson told members: "We are not a a lot further forward in terms of having a full picture of what is intended here."

Cllr John Kemp, paraphrasing Sir Winston Churchill, accused the county council and its waste contractors, Veolia Ltd, of "terminological inexactitude."

Chief planning officer Frank Rallings reminded members that although the former Reprotech waste derived fuel plant was within the planned Countryside Park the waste transfer station was enshrined in the County Waste Local Plan.

He said he was "not content" with the details given.

"We are not satisfied on traffic and other issues."

St Michael's ward member Cllr Peter Fairhurst said residents would be subjected to the constant beep beep of lorries' reversing hooters from 6 in the morning until 10 at night.

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Cllr Brian Kentfield said there as no mention in information supplied by county of the fact that lorries would be coming not only from Hastings and Rother but also Eastbourne and Wealden.

He believed traffic flow would be doubled or even trebled.