Bowls for beginners at Wadhurst

Wadhurst throw open the doors to everyone this Bank Holiday Monday

Wadhurst Bowls Club are participating in Bowls England's Big Bowls Bash Weekend and invite everyone over the age of 13 to rock-up, get down and have a bash at bowls for the first time.

Often seen as a pastime for older people, Bowls is re-inventing itselfwith a new fast-paced version of the traditional game called Bowls Bash.

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Ideal for beginners the concept has been 'borrowed' from Australia. It's just startingin the UK but you can have a go at Wadhurst Bowls Club on Monday May 27 between 11 and 2pm.

All ages welcome, itsfun and free! Give Laurence a call on 07714 935915 to register your interest.

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